

RAQUEL B. SUAREZ - office manager

Raquel B. Suarez graduated with honors from Mercer Law School in Macon, Georgia in May 1995. She attended law school on a full academic scholarship. Raquel received several awards during her schooling for her high marks and legal writing skills, including an invitation to join Mercer’s Moot Court team. Raquel was a member of Mercer’s Law Review, at which time she had both her casenote (1994) and her comment (1995) selected for publication.

Raquel became a member of the Florida Bar in 1995. Prior to joining Donna M. Ballman, P.A. as its office manager in 2005, Raquel practiced law as a criminal defense attorney in a small South Florida firm. During that time, Raquel assisted in litigating multiple complex, high-profile cases, all of which the firm successfully defended. Raquel has been recognized as one of South Florida’s “Up and Comers” in the 2004 and 2005 editions of the South Florida Legal Guide.

Raquel currently resides in Davie, Florida with her husband and 2 daughters.